

The configtxgen command allows users to create and inspect channel config related artifacts. The content of the generated artifacts is dictated by the contents of configtx.yaml.


The configtxgen tool has no sub-commands, but supports flags which can be set to accomplish a number of tasks.

Usage of configtxgen:
  -asOrg string
        Performs the config generation as a particular organization (by name), only including values in the write set that org (likely) has privilege to set
  -channelID string
        The channel ID to use in the configtx (default "testchainid")
  -inspectBlock string
        Prints the configuration contained in the block at the specified path
  -inspectChannelCreateTx string
        Prints the configuration contained in the transaction at the specified path
  -outputAnchorPeersUpdate string
        Creates an config update to update an anchor peer (works only with the default channel creation, and only for the first update)
  -outputBlock string
        The path to write the genesis block to (if set)
  -outputCreateChannelTx string
        The path to write a channel creation configtx to (if set)
  -printOrg string
        Prints the definition of an organization as JSON. (useful for adding an org to a channel manually)
  -profile string
        The profile from configtx.yaml to use for generation. (default "SampleInsecureSolo")
        Show version information


Output a genesis block

Write a genesis block to genesis_block.pb for channel orderer-system-channel for profile SampleSingleMSPSoloV1_1.

configtxgen -outputBlock genesis_block.pb -profile SampleSingleMSPSoloV1_1 -channelID orderer-system-channel

Output a channel creation tx

Write a channel creation transaction to create_chan_tx.pb for profile SampleSingleMSPChannelV1_1.

configtxgen -outputCreateChannelTx create_chan_tx.pb -profile SampleSingleMSPChannelV1_1 -channelID application-channel-1

Inspect a genesis block

Print the contents of a genesis block named genesis_block.pb to the screen as JSON.

configtxgen -inspectBlock genesis_block.pb

Inspect a channel creation tx

Print the contents of a channel creation tx named create_chan_tx.pb to the screen as JSON.

configtxgen -inspectChannelCreateTx create_chan_tx.pb

Output anchor peer tx

Output a configuration update transaction to anchor_peer_tx.pb which sets the anchor peers for organization Org1 as defined in profile SampleSingleMSPChannelV1_1 based on configtx.yaml.

configtxgen -outputAnchorPeersUpdate anchor_peer_tx.pb -profile SampleSingleMSPChannelV1_1 -asOrg Org1


The configtxgen tool's output is largely controlled by the content of configtx.yaml. This file is searched for at FABRIC_CFG_PATH and must be present for configtxgen to operate.

This configuration file may be edited, or, individual properties may be overridden by setting environment variables, such as CONFIGTX_ORDERER_ORDERERTYPE=kafka.

For many configtxgen operations, a profile name must be supplied. Profiles are a way to express multiple similar configurations in a single file. For instance, one profile might define a channel with 3 orgs, and another might define one with 4 orgs. To accomplish this without the length of the file becoming burdensome, configtx.yaml depends on the standard YAML feature of anchors and references. Base parts of the configuration are tagged with an anchor like &OrdererDefaults and then merged into a profile with a reference like <<: *OrdererDefaults. Note, when configtxgen is operating under a profile, environment variable overrides do not need to include the profile prefix and may be referenced relative to the root element of the profile. For instance, do not specify CONFIGTX_PROFILE_SAMPLEINSECURESOLO_ORDERER_ORDERERTYPE, instead simply omit the profile specifics and use the CONFIGTX prefix followed by the elements relative to the profile name such as CONFIGTX_ORDERER_ORDERERTYPE.

Refer to the sample configtx.yaml shipped with Fabric for all possible configuration options. You may find this file in the config directory of the release artifacts tar, or you may find it under the sampleconfig folder if you are building from source.