peer node


The peer node subcommand allows an administrator to start a peer node or check the status of a peer node.


The peer node subcommand has the following syntax:

peer node start [flags]
peer node status

peer node start

Start Description

The peer node start command allows administrators to start the peer node process.

The peer node process can be configured using configuration file core.yaml, which must be located in the directory specified by the environment variable FABRIC_CFG_PATH. For docker deployments, core.yaml is pre-configured in the peer container FABRIC_CFG_PATH directory. For native binary deployments, core.yaml is included with the release artifact distribution. The configuration properties located in core.yaml can be overridden using environment variables. For example, peer.mspConfigPath configuration property can be specified by defining CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH environment variable, where **CORE_** is the prefix for the environment variables.

Start Syntax

The peer node start command has the following syntax:

peer node start [flags]

Start Flags

The peer node start command has the following command specific flag:

  • --peer-chaincodedev

    starts peer node in chaincode development mode. Normally chaincode containers are started and maintained by peer. However in devlopment mode, chaincode is built and started by the user. This mode is useful during chaincode development phase for iterative development. See more information on development mode in the chaincode tutorial.

The global peer command flags also apply as described in the peer command topic:

  • --logging-level

peer node status

Status Description

The peer node status command allows administrators to see the status of the peer node process. It will show the status of the peer node process running at the peer.address specified in the peer configuration, or overridden by CORE_PEER_ADDRESS environment variable.

Status Syntax

The peer node status command has the following syntax:

peer node status

Status Flags

The peer node status command has no command specific flags.