Chaincode Tutorials 链码指南

What is Chaincode? 什么是链码?

Chaincode is a program, written in Go, node.js, and eventually in other programming languages such as Java, that implements a prescribed interface. Chaincode runs in a secured Docker container isolated from the endorsing peer process. Chaincode initializes and manages ledger state through transactions submitted by applications.

链码是一个程序,使用 Go, node.js 来编写, 后续将可使用其他的编程语言例如Java,来实现规定的接口。 链码运行在一个安全的Docker容器中独立于背书节点。 通过app提交交易,链码可以初始化和管理ledger state(账本状态)。

A chaincode typically handles business logic agreed to by members of the network, so it may be considered as a “smart contract”. State created by a chaincode is scoped exclusively to that chaincode and can’t be accessed directly by another chaincode. However, within the same network, given the appropriate permission a chaincode may invoke another chaincode to access its state.

链码通常处理网络中的成员认可的业务逻辑,所以它可以被视为一种”智能合约”。 如果创建某个账本状态时是通过某一个链码执行的,那么对这个状态的后续操作只能是限定在 创建它的这个链码范围内,而不能被其他链码直接操作。 不过,在同一个网络中,给定链码相应的权限,该链码可以调用另一个链码来访问其账本状态。

Two Personas 两个视角

We offer two different perspectives on chaincode. One, from the perspective of an application developer developing a blockchain application/solution entitled Chaincode for Developers 面向开发人员的链码指南, and the other, Chaincode for Operators oriented to the blockchain network operator who is responsible for managing a blockchain network, and who would leverage the Hyperledger Fabric API to install, instantiate, and upgrade chaincode, but would likely not be involved in the development of a chaincode application.

对于链码我们提供两种不同的视角。第一, 从应用程序开发人员的角度来看,如何开发区块链应用程序/ 解决方案, 教程标题为 Chaincode for Developers 面向开发人员的链码指南 。第二, Chaincode for Operators 面向负责管理运 营区块链网络的人员 - 负责管理区块链网络,利用 Hyperledger Fabric API 进行安装、实例化、链码升级, 但可能不参与链码应用程序的开发。