Read-Write set semantics - 读写集语义

This documents discusses the details of the current implementation about the semantics of read-write sets.


Transaction simulation and read-write set - 交易模拟和读写集

During simulation of a transaction at an endorser, a read-write set is prepared for the transaction. The read set contains a list of unique keys and their committed versions that the transaction reads during simulation. The write set contains a list of unique keys (though there can be overlap with the keys present in the read set) and their new values that the transaction writes. A delete marker is set (in the place of new value) for the key if the update performed by the transaction is to delete the key.

背书节点 模拟执行交易期间,会生成该交易对应的一个读写集。读集合(read set) 包含了在模拟执行交易期间,所读取的一组不重复的 key 及其版本号的列表。写集合(write set) 包含了一组不重复的 key(这些 key 可能和读集合中的 key 有重合)以及该交易写入的这些 key 对应的值。如果交易对应的更新操作是删除某个 key,则该 key 对应的值会被设置删除标记。

Further, if the transaction writes a value multiple times for a key, only the last written value is retained. Also, if a transaction reads a value for a key, the value in the committed state is returned even if the transaction has updated the value for the key before issuing the read. In another words, Read-your-writes semantics are not supported.

进一步的,如果交易对一个 key 对应的值进行多次写入,只有最后一次的修改会被保留。同样,如果交易读取一个 key 对应的 值,只有之前已经提交的值会被返回,即使在读操作前本交易已经对该 key 的值进行了修改。换而言之,不支持读取同一交易中刚修改的值。

As noted earlier, the versions of the keys are recorded only in the read set; the write set just contains the list of unique keys and their latest values set by the transaction.

如前所述,key 对应的版本号只在读集合中被记录;写集合中只包含一组不重复的 key 及其在交易中设置的的最新值。

There could be various schemes for implementing versions. The minimal requirement for a versioning scheme is to produce non-repeating identifiers for a given key. For instance, using monotonically increasing numbers for versions can be one such scheme. In the current implementation, we use a blockchain height based versioning scheme in which the height of the committing transaction is used as the latest version for all the keys modified by the transaction. In this scheme, the height of a transaction is represented by a tuple (txNumber is the height of the transaction within the block). This scheme has many advantages over the incremental number scheme - primarily, it enables other components such as statedb, transaction simulation and validation for making efficient design choices.

有多种方案可以用于实现读集合的版本控制。版本控制方案的最基本要求是为 key 生成一个不会重复的标识符。例如,可以使用单调递增的数字来作为版本号。在目前的代码实现中,我们采用了一个基于区块链高度的版本号方案,在该方案中,待提交交易的高度作为该交易对应写集合的所有 key 的最新版本号。交易高度可以用一个元组表示,其中 txNumber 是交易在区块中的高度。该方案相较于递增数字方案有诸多优点,它使得其他组件(例如状态数据库、交易模拟以及验证等)可以选择更高效的设计方案。

Following is an illustration of an example read-write set prepared by simulation of a hypothetical transaction. For the sake of simplicity, in the illustrations, we use the incremental numbers for representing the versions.


  <NsReadWriteSet name="chaincode1">
      <read key="K1", version="1">
      <read key="K2", version="1">
      <write key="K1", value="V1"
      <write key="K3", value="V2"
      <write key="K4", isDelete="true"

Additionally, if the transaction performs a range query during simulation, the range query as well as its results will be added to the read-write set as query-info.

此外,如果在交易模拟执行中进行了一个批量查询,批量查询及其结果都会被添加到读写集的 query-info

Transaction validation and updating world state using read-write set - 交易验证以及使用读写集更新世界状态

A committer uses the read set portion of the read-write set for checking the validity of a transaction and the write set portion of the read-write set for updating the versions and the values of the affected keys.

提交者(committer) 使用读写集中的读集合来验证交易的合法性,使用读写集中的写集合来更新对应 key 的值和版本号。

In the validation phase, a transaction is considered valid if the version of each key present in the read set of the transaction matches the version for the same key in the world state - assuming all the preceding valid transactions (including the preceding transactions in the same block) are committed (committed-state). An additional validation is performed if the read-write set also contains one or more query-info.

在验证阶段,交易被认为 有效(valid) 的条件是该交易读集合中的每一个 key 对应的版本号同最新世界状态中该 key 对应的版本号全都一致,这个最新世界状态是之前所有 有效 交易(包括同一区块中排在前面的交易)提交之后的状态。如果读写集包含一个或者多个 query-info,则需要进行一个额外的验证。

This additional validation should ensure that no key has been inserted/deleted/updated in the super range (i.e., union of the ranges) of the results captured in the query-info(s). In other words, if we re-execute any of the range queries (that the transaction performed during simulation) during validation on the committed-state, it should yield the same results that were observed by the transaction at the time of simulation. This check ensures that if a transaction observes phantom items during commit, the transaction should be marked as invalid. Note that the this phantom protection is limited to range queries (i.e., GetStateByRange function in the chaincode) and not yet implemented for other queries (i.e., GetQueryResult function in the chaincode). Other queries are at risk of phantoms, and should therefore only be used in read-only transactions that are not submitted to ordering, unless the application can guarantee the stability of the result set between simulation and validation/commit time.

该额外验证需要确保在一定范围之内(例如多个范围的联合)没有 key 被插入、删除或更新。换句话说,如果我们在验证阶段重新执行批量查询(正如在交易模拟执行阶段一样),得到的查询结果应该和在交易模拟执行阶段完全一致。此校验确保交易在提交时如果出现幻读会被认为是无效的。值得注意的是,这种针对幻读的保护只被用于部分批量查询(例如链码中的 GetStateByRange 函数),并没有被用于其他的批量查询(例如链码中的 GetQueryResult 函数)。没有保护的批量查询方法会有幻读风险,因此这种查询应该只用于不会被提交到排序服务的 只读交易,除非应用方能保证交易模拟和交易验证提交两阶段之间结果集是稳定不变的。

If a transaction passes the validity check, the committer uses the write set for updating the world state. In the update phase, for each key present in the write set, the value in the world state for the same key is set to the value as specified in the write set. Further, the version of the key in the world state is changed to reflect the latest version.

如果一个交易通过了有效性检查,提交者使用写集合更新世界状态。在更新阶段,对于写集合中的每一个 key,世界状态中该 key 对应的值都被设置为写集合中的值。进一步的,世界状态中该 key 对应的版本号也会被修改为最新的版本号。

Example simulation and validation - 模拟和验证示例

This section helps with understanding the semantics through an example scenario. For the purpose of this example, the presence of a key, k, in the world state is represented by a tuple (k,ver,val) where ver is the latest version of the key k having val as its value.

本节通过一个具体的实例来帮助理解读写集语义。为了理解实例方便,世界状态中 key k 使用如下元组来表示 (k,ver,val),其中 ver 表示该 key k 对应的最新版本号,val 表示其对应的值。

Now, consider a set of five transactions T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5, all simulated on the same snapshot of the world state. The following snippet shows the snapshot of the world state against which the transactions are simulated and the sequence of read and write activities performed by each of these transactions.

现在,考虑 5 个交易的集合 T1, T2, T3, T4 T5,每个交易都是基于相同的世界状态快照进行模拟执行。如下代码展示了交易模拟执行对应的世界状态,以及每个交易中所包含的读写动作。

World state: (k1,1,v1), (k2,1,v2), (k3,1,v3), (k4,1,v4), (k5,1,v5)
T1 -> Write(k1, v1'), Write(k2, v2')
T2 -> Read(k1), Write(k3, v3')
T3 -> Write(k2, v2'')
T4 -> Write(k2, v2'''), read(k2)
T5 -> Write(k6, v6'), read(k5)

Now, assume that these transactions are ordered in the sequence of T1,..,T5 (could be contained in a single block or different blocks)

现在,假设这些交易的排序如下 T1,...,T5(可能包含在同一区块或多个区块中)

  1. T1 passes validation because it does not perform any read. Further, the tuple of keys k1 and k2 in the world state are updated to (k1,2,v1'), (k2,2,v2')
  1. T1 通过验证,因为它没有任何的读操作。 随后,世界状态中 k1k2 对应的元组被更新为 (k1,2,v1'), (k2,2,v2')
  2. T2 fails validation because it reads a key, k1, which was modified by a preceding transaction - T1
  1. T2 验证失败,因为它读取了 key k1,而 k1 在之前的 T1 交易中被修改
  2. T3 passes the validation because it does not perform a read. Further the tuple of the key, k2, in the world state is updated to (k2,3,v2'')
  1. T3 通过验证,因为它没有任何的读操作。 随后,世界状态中 k2 对应的元组被更新为 (k2,3,v2'')
  2. T4 fails the validation because it reads a key, k2, which was modified by a preceding transaction T1
  1. T4 验证失败,因为它读取了 key k2,而 k2 在之前的 T1 交易中被修改
  2. T5 passes validation because it reads a key, k5, which was not modified by any of the preceding transactions
  1. T5 通过验证,因为它只读取了 key k5,而 k5 在之前的所有交易中都并未被修改

Note: Transactions with multiple read-write sets are not yet supported.

注意: 暂不支持包含多个读写集的交易。